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Anita T. Gibbs -Creator of Superdaddies The Series™

Anita T. Gibbs' Book Series, "Superdaddies The Series™" Celebrates Fatherhood

anitagibbs author superdaddies book 2 pics 003 scaled 240x300Anita T. Gibbs is a seasoned sales professional, and the creator of "Superdaddies The Series™" of children's books that demonstrates that not all Dads are deadbeats. She was raised to believe in herself and her dreams. Inspired by her own father, as well as, raising her son as a single mom, Gibbs aspires to create a positive perception and motivation in the relationships between fathers and their children in this children's book series.

Gibbs defines SUPERDADDY as any man who deliberately mentors a child, and especially his own children. Gibbs provides a fresh look at children's stories that embrace the father-child relationship in a positive manner. With so many absent fathers across all classes, races and creeds alike, Gibbs believes that we need to revisit the ideals of our ancestors in order to

Gibbs strongly urges men to mentor young boys so that they clearly understand that:

Boys are students: Men are teachers -Boys ask questions: Men give answers -Boys run in gangs: Men organize teams -Boys play house: Men build homes -Boys shack up: Men get married -Boys make babies: Men raise children -A boy won't raise his own children: A man will raise his and somebody else's -Boys invent excuses for failure: Men produce strategies for success -Boys look for somebody to take care of them: Men look for somebody to take care of -Boys seek popularity: Men demand respect, so give it to them!!

Her freshman release in Nov. 2009, Daddy, I Broke My Snowball, was well received, as illustrated by the following editorial comment:

In times such as these, we need reminders about the fact that "quality" men and fathers do indeed exist, and how they provide security, love, and reassurance to their children. Daddy, I Broke My Snowball reminds us of the vast influence that committed fathers provide for their children, ESPECIALLY girls, as is depicted in this heart-warming story. Such simple things as building a "snow-woman" provide unique opportunities to bond and reinforce the sacredness of fatherhood; this is a touching example of how empowerment and self-esteem are cultivated in both boys and girls.

--Dr. Kathy A. Morrow, Clinical Psychologist

Anita Gibbs is very relevant in her approach as an author. Her style is refreshing and positive in exploring relationships. She is a talent on the rise. I strongly recommend her series for parents and professionals so that children can receive this gift. Her writings allow various subjects to be addressed in a non-threatening and enjoyable context with our youth. Reading Superdaddies The Series™ is a perfect vehicle to spend quality time with your children.

David Harris, MD
Child, adolescent, and Adult Psychiatrist

The sophomore offering, Daddy, I Can Read It For You, is the story of a middle-aged divorced father of two who has a very "special" relationship with his gifted son and precocious 'tween' daughter. This Superdaddy only attended school through the eighth grade. He values healthy eating and the family's favorite; and his healthy guilty pleasure happens to be sweet potatoes.

The Superdaddies The Series™ of children's books are rated for Pre K-4.

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