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Family Disowns Bride and Groom Over an Adult-Only Wedding

Wedding venue Photo Credit Unknown Wedding venue

Who should decide who can attend a wedding? Should children be at an event where there is an open bar?

Kizzy: Last week, we were talking about bridezillas and crazy stuff. So now we're, we're talking about weddings again. Now, this couple, for financial reasons, decided to host an adults-only wedding. And, so that meant no kids allowed, which eliminated 14 kids from their wedding. Thirteen from the groom’s side and one from the bride’s side. So, the result of this was there was a massive argument among the families. The bride’s stepmother ex-communicated her because she couldn't bring her one-year-old grandson, even though the bride offered to pay for a babysitter. So, my question is were the bride and groom, correct and sticking to their guns and insisting upon an adults-only wedding? What do you guys think?

Keisha: Well, there's a saying Kizzy and Onika, whoever carries the purse makes the rules?

So, the couple was paying for the wedding themselves and they decided what happens at their wedding. So, if they decided for financial reasons or even if they just didn't like kids, and didn't want them at the wedding, that is their choice. Right. And you abide by it or don't come. And if I'm not mistaken that the bride even offered to hire a babysitter so that the one-year-old grandbaby could go. Well, grandma didn't want that baby there that badly then.

Kizzy: It just made no sense. It made no sense. It's like why are you trying to control what people do for their wedding. You are not, like you said, not paying for it. They're paying for it all on their own. You don't know their pockets. That's all these kids, you got all this extra food, nine oh kids don't really eat everything. You, know what I mean? So, it's kind of like a waste. You know what I mean, I get it, you know, in an ideal world, you want everybody to be there. You want the kids to be there and everything too. But if those people were getting married and it's...remember, it's about them and they cannot afford it, I think you should understand that. And I don't think you should make an issue.

Onika: I don't think that children should be at weddings. It’s an open bar. People are drinking, getting drunk, acting up, nobody's watching the doggone kids who are sliding… I don't think that that's the place. I feel like it's an adult event and I think the only children that should be at the wedding are the children that are in the wedding. That's what I think.

You see all those kids and stuff if I’m drinking. I don't want to be, you can't get in the bar. The children can't be in a bar. And you have an open bar, at a wedding or you know, alcohol, children shouldn’t be around adults drinking. Maybe if you’re at a home or house party or something like that, but for the most part…

Kizzy: But everybody's not going to be drinking though. And I think again if you're a parent, obviously, you're not going to be over-drinking…

Keisha: You hope, you hope.

Kizzy: Of course, of course, you hope because…

Keisha: Sometimes parents don't get out much. So, a wedding is a perfect occasion to let down their hair down and get loose, you got free food, free booze…

Kizzy: Keep the kid home if that's the case. But if you want your kid there, and again, this woman wanted her grandson there. I'm assuming you're not going to be drinking all that much anyway. But again, I think it’s their day, it's their money, they decide who can come. I think. Yeah.

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